Main index Hambleden Turville Fingest Frieth Fawley Medmenham U.R.C.

Welcome to
St Mary, Turville


Main Index
Who's Who?
Service Information
Children's Ministry
Church History
Church Photos
Visitor Information

Remembrance Sunday

Basil at the Turville Breakfast service - just purrfect!

Fairtrade breakfast in church

Jeremy and Sarah's farewell Service 23.8.15

click to hear the
bells of Turville

Ringing the bells

Animal Blessing Service
photos Caroline Hyman

What's on this month?
services in bold are at this church

From 18th March 2024 for 5-7 months the church will be closed to visitors due to extensive conservation works. No services are planned for this time. We apologise for all inconvenience so caused and if you would like to know more about the works please contact Rev Andy Storch.
The midweek service of Holy Communion
at 10.15am every Wednesday has moved to Fingest Church, temporarily.

Sun 7 July 10am
Group Service, Medmenham
Sun 14 July
3pm Wild Church Party, Skirmett
Sun 4 August 10am
Group Service, Fingest

Parish Review Achievable Targets

·        To develop Children's Ministry by arranging another children's Church Mice trip         

·        To offer teas to visitors to church on two weekends of the year 

·        To develop the prayer space in church: providing a comfortable setting with prayer cards to inspire those who wish to spend time there.

To kindly give a donation for the upkeep of our church
please click the link or picture below -

Thank you so much

Turville St Mary

Here is a video of the new bell installed in 2018

Turville from the air photo Mark Ainsworth


Palm Sunday Procession


Turville Church white band wrapping

The Hambleden Valley Churches support the campaign MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY.

On Palm Sunday 20th March, 2005 a giant white band was 'wrapped' around Turville Church in support for the campaign. 




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