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Turville Fingest Frieth Fawley Medmenham U.R.C.

Welcome to
St Mary the Virgin, Hambleden

Getting involved

It is very difficult to be a solitary Christian.  Fellowship and common growth is one of the hallmarks of our faith. We are called on to be the body of Christ on earth

In Frieth and in Hambleden we are blessed with two lovely churches both of which are in every sense at the heart of our community. Both offer full, regular worship right on our doorsteps.

Both churches want to make you welcome. Why not see what they can offer towards your own important spiritual well being.

Perhaps you can enrich not only yourself but your community as well by being an active part of your parish church. Developing your faith over time and wanting to contribute to the community in some small way can come together in an opportunity to serve in a way which you find comfortable. That opportunity may be through flower arranging, singing in the choir, some gentle cleaning of a section of the church, or even helping with Sunday school, youth work or becoming a school governor.

Be assured, you will be supported by your church.

Asking some who are already involved, and how they came to it, the advice comes back to:-

  1. Take time to think where you would like to be involved - don't feel pressurised to take on everything straight away.
  2. Talk to one of the clergy or churchwardens, or to anyone who seems to know what goes on, and say what you are interested in doing.
  3. Pray - God will lead you to the thing that he wants you to do, and will equip you to do it well.

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